Thursday, July 29, 2010

P-NOY Deliver First State of the Nation Address

The entire nation bore witness when President Benigno Simeon Aquino III, also known as P-NOY, was inaugurated on June 30, 2010. After his inauguration, President Noynoy went straight to work. The next thing the Filipinos watched out for was his first state of the nation address. The SONA is one of the duties expected of the president. Usually, the first SONA is the most important and most crucial as it reports on the current status and plans the new administration for the country.

P-Noy’s first SONA was presented before a joint assemblu of the senate and congress at the Batasan Pambansa in Quezon City. Senator Juan Ponce Enrile maintained his seat as Senate President while Congressman Felician ‘Sony’ Belmonte was elected Congressional House Speaker.

Senator Enrile and House Speaker Belmonte were one of those who met the president when he arrived at Congress. President Aquino’s speech lasted for about forty minutes. He mentioned that the former administration spent Php 45.1 B this year, adding that 20 percent of the budget is nearly depleted. He also said that Php 1.4 B or 70 percent of the calamity fund had already been spent by June from which Php 108 M was received by the entire province of Pampanga. He noted that these funds were given on election month.

Anomalies and Irregularities

The president also cited anomalies in the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) about their funds. MWSS payroll was Php 211.5 M in 2009 and bulk of this went to additional allowances, bonuses and benefits beyond the 13th month pay. Its’ board of trustees got hefty allowances and bonuses that amounted to Php 2.5 M in a year but pensions of retired employees are still in arrears. Even the La Mesa Watershed wasn’t spared since housing was provided for top MWSS officials many of Arroyo’s Midnight Appointees.

Anomalies in the DPWH Road Users’ Fund were discovered. Ill-conceived projects also arose. According to President Noynoy, some Php 3.5 B was released for typhoon victims five days before her term ended. He found out questionable storm rehab projects. He also said that politics dictated NAPOCOR’s moves that taxpayers end up paying for its debt. irregularities in the MRT Project were also reported. There were also anomalies in the NFA regarding rice purchases. NFA’s debt reached a whopping Php 171.6 B in May of this year.

To stop these problems from happening, the president said that all projects will be scrutinized so that no unnecessary expenses would occur. Charges will be filed each week against tax evaders and smugglers. P-Noy reported that half of the extra-legal killings under his administration are nearly resolved. An executive order creating the Truth Commission will be signed with the week.

Investor-Friendly Philippines

The president stressed that investor confidence in the Philippines will happen under his leadership. He added that public-private partnerships will help solve the massive deficit in the country’s debt. In his speech, Aquino reported that private groups have shown interest in shouldering government infrastructure projects. Such agreements will also help boost funding for education and social services, as well as for the tourism and agriculture industry.

P-Noy’s administration is set to prioritizes job creation and giving assistance to the different industries. He called on local government to streamline their processes for entrepreneurs.

Priority Laws, Peace Talks

The administration will push for Fiscal Responsibility Bill, which will limit the spending bills only for appropriations that have identified a source of funding. President also said that the Procurement Law should be amended to avoid another NBN-ZTE scandal.
He also reiterated that an Anti-Trust Law is need to scrap monopoly and cartels that kill competition. He compelled Congress to pass the National Land Use Bill; amend the National Defense Act; and push for the Whistleblower’s Bill. There is also a need to review outdated laws to ensure harmony in legislation. His government further seeks to strengthen the Witness Protection Program.

The president promised not to repeat the mistakes of the previous administration regards to the Mindanao peace situation. Talks with the More Islamic Liberation Front will resume after Ramadan. To the CPP-NPA-NDF, the president encouraged them to present concrete solutions
as the government remains open to ceasefire and dialogue.

President Noynoy told the Filipinos that this is a time for sacrifice. To the media, he asked them to guard their ranks, be fair, truthful and elevate the level of public discourse.
Towards the end of his speech, he addressed the public to monitor their leaders and engage instead of complain. President Noynoy believed that the country’s fate is in the hands of God and of the people. His mandate is proof that Filipinos can still hope for change.

-Charmaine Ann Purugganan

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