Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Cloudy Start for the New Administration

It has been constantly raining for the past few days and the Philippine atmospheric geophysical and astronomical services administration (PAGASA) forecasted that on the day of inauguration of President-elect Benigno “Noynoy” Simeon Aquino III and Vice President-elect Jejomar “Jojo” Binay, it would rain. June 30, 2010, hours before the inauguration heavy rain did pour leaving the Quirino Grandstand, the venue of inauguration, muddy and the rest of the streets of Metro Manila slippery.

“Fertilizer Fund Scam” on 2004, “Hello, Garci” on 2005, “NBN ZTE Broadband deal” on 2007, “Euro Generals” on 2008, “Con Ass or CHA-CHA” on 2009, and the “$20,000 dinner” on 2010 were some of the issues faced by our former President, now Congresswoman of 2nd district of Pampanga, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for the past nine years of her Administration. Several impeachment complaints were filled and several rallies had taken place yet the Arroyo Administration surpassed all of these. As a new administration takes over, several unresolved problems of the Philippines and unfulfilled promises were left by the Arroyo Administration.

The stepping down of Arroyo administration from the position and passing of the power to the Aquino administration was considered as a historical event for the year. Another chapter has been added to the history of the Philippines. People from all walks of life gathered at the Quirino Grandstand to witness the inaugurations of P-Noy and Vice President Binay. The place was filled with supporters both of Aquino and Binay. Some were there only because they were required to attend the event, yet you can see and feel the excitement of each and everyone who attended the inauguration. There is this atmosphere of hope enveloping the whole Quirino Grandstand. Everyone hopes that the newly elected administration will put an end to the crisis that the Philippines have been experiencing for such a long time now. High spirits, high hopes would be a great description of each Filipino our country for the next six year.

Does the weather on the day of inauguration mean something? Would the duration of the Aquino administration be something like what the weather was during June 30, 2010? A cloudy-rainy start but at the middle of the day, the sun shined giving warmth to each and every Filipino and ending the day with a blissful night and a hope for new and better days to come.

Correspondent: NiƱa Mae Mendiola

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